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Pay in 3 installments
The following Terms and Conditions apply to Klarna Bank AB (publ) ("Klarna" or "we") and to you who have made a purchase and want a smooth shopping experience. By choosing this payment method, you agree to these Terms.
How does it work
Use your own debit or credit card (prepaid cards are not supported) and make sure it's active.
You must be over 18 years of age, resident in Spain, and capable of entering into a legally binding contract.
The first payment is charged when the merchant confirms the purchase (usually when the product is shipped) and the next two payments are automatically charged 30 and 60 days after the initial payment. We will give you the dates digitally and you will also be able to see them in the Klarna app.
With Pay in 3 installments we will not charge you interest or penalties as long as you respect the automatic payment schedule. If you are late in completing payments, we may charge you a penalty. Any payment that is not completed, including penalties that are added, will be charged in the next installment.
If you cancel your purchase or return the purchased products, we will automatically cancel the pending fees (as soon as the business confirms it) and we will refund the amounts you have already paid.
If you have any questions about the quality or shipping of your purchase, please contact the merchant you purchased from.
The issuing bank of your card could charge you interest or penalties according to your contract with them. If you have any questions about these charges, please contact your card-issuing bank.
You give us permission to collect the two remaining payments directly from your card on the agreed dates without our consulting you. If the merchant does not charge you for your entire purchase at the same time, we can create several Pay in 3 installments for each part of the purchase. Each of these Pay in 3 installments will have their own collection dates depending on when the merchant confirms each part of the purchase. This situation can be common in stores that do not send all the products of the purchase at the same time.
What else do I need to know?
Accepted cards and saved cards; The card must be valid and you must be the owner. We will decide if you can pay with this payment method and we may limit the different types of cards that we accept for payment. If a card type isn't accepted, we'll let you know before the purchase is complete. Most credit or debit cards that are not about to expire are accepted. We do not accept prepaid cards. If we accept a card, we will make an authorization for the first payment at the point of sale. You will not be charged this amount until the merchant confirms the purchase, but your issuing bank may restrict access to this amount while the purchase is confirmed.
If your card is canceled you will have to pay all remaining payments when we tell you. If your card details change between the purchase and the last payment, you will need to notify Klarna of your new card details. Klarna will provide you with a digital method for you to provide us with such details. If you do not notify us of these details, you authorize Klarna to obtain them from your issuing bank directly, if possible. If you finally do not provide us with the updated information, we could charge you a penalty.
You authorize us to store your card details in our systems. We will use this information to authorize future payments under these terms and conditions. Unless you decide not to authorize it, we may use this information to fill in your card details on your future purchases and in any case you will be able to manage your card details online. If Klarna obtains updated card information from your issuing bank, you agree to us storing it in our systems.
late payment; If on the day the fee is due we are unable to charge the corresponding amount to the payment method you have chosen, we will send you a notification and give you a courtesy period of between two and seven days so that you can update your payment method or so that you can make sure you have funds available in your default payment method. If you update your card, we may try to recover the pending payment immediately. If not, we will try to charge back to your original card again at the end of the two to seven day period. It is important that you ensure that you have sufficient funds available to complete your payment on the day it is due.If we are unable to collect the second installment during the grace period, we will add the total amount due to the final installment, including a late payment penalty.
If you do not make the payment at the end of the courtesy period, you will go into default and in addition to other actions that we are entitled to exercise, we could charge you a penalty for late payment in the amount of the following; i) four (4) euros per installment if the total value of the purchase is less than 49.90 euros, ii) seven (7) euros per installment if the total value of the purchase is between 50 and 199.99 euros, iii) twelve (12 ) euros per installment if the total value of the purchase is equal to or greater than 200 euros, or the maximum amount allowed by applicable law if it is less. If you do not make the payment, you may not be able to use this service in the future. We may continue to attempt recovery on the following due dates. If it is not possible to recover the remaining amount in the third installment,
Access to credit reports, identity checks and reports; Klarna will verify your identity when you use this payment method. The identity verification is done to comply with the requirements of prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism as well as to prevent fraud. You will need to provide the necessary information to Klarna to verify your identity. We may also compare the information provided with third party databases.
We may carry out an inquiry at a credit agency. This inquiry could affect your credit score and your chances of getting credit in the future. If, as a result of our inquiry, you are unable to access this payment method, we will let you know. We can also validate your card and request authorization from your issuing bank. In this case there will be no changes in your credit card for these payments. Those payments that are late, not made or other non-payments in your purchase could be sent to the credit agency and be reflected in your credit file, which could affect your credit score.
Advance payment and refunds; You can pay for your purchases at any time and we will not charge you more for doing so. If you cancel your purchase, we will cancel the pending payments and refund the amount that we have already charged to your card. Any partial return will reduce your total balance, but will not be considered a full payment. You will continue to have to pay the outstanding installments according to the payment plan established when making the purchase on the established dates until the total purchase has been paid in full. If you have a credit balance, we can pay the balance on your card or on any other card we have on file.
Rights and Obligations: We may assign or assign to any natural person or legal entity any of our rights, remedies, powers, obligations or interests under this Agreement and you agree that we may assign this Agreement to such natural person or legal entity.
Default: A default condition will exist if: (a) no payment is made by the due date after the applicable courtesy periods; (b) you are involved in insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings; (c) you provide us with false, misleading or incorrect information; or (d) you fail to comply or are not willing to comply with any of the conditions contained in these terms and conditions of this payment method.
If you are in default, Klarna may: (a) charge your outstanding balance, including late fees, to your Pay in 3 payment immediately, using any of your cards on file with us or via a separate invoice; (b) use a debt collection agency to receive payment, in which case you will be responsible for all reasonable costs (including attorneys' fees) incurred by Klarna and/or the debt collection agency; and (c) report default information to credit reporting agencies.
Use of personal data
Klarna processes your personal data to fulfill our obligations in this agreement and for the additional purposes set out in our Privacy Notice. The Privacy Notice is available here and on our website, and by using Klarna's services you confirm that you have read this Notice. We will process your personal data, for example, to identify you and perform customer analysis, credit assessments, marketing and business development. We may also transfer your data to selected partners (such as credit agencies), which may be established outside the EU/EEA. In the Privacy Notice there is more information about our data sharing, your rights regarding your data and how you can contact us with questions or file a complaint with the competent authority.
Complaints and claims
For complaints related to Klarna Services, the information provided at https://www.klarna.com/en/customer-support/ applies . If you have a complaint regarding the service provided by Klarna, you can submit your complaint through the contact form on the Klarna website ( https://www.klarna.com/en/customer-service/), by email to service@klarna.com.es or by post with the keyword "Complaint" to the Klarna address. We will try to resolve your complaint as soon as possible and no later than 2 months from when it was filed. If Klarna cannot resolve your complaint, you can refer your complaint to the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN) at Allmänna reklamationsnämnden, PO Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm, Sweden. Klarna will participate in such proceedings and is required to do so under applicable law. Information on access requirements can be found on the ARN website: http://www.arn.se. You can submit your dispute in any official language of the European Union through the ODR platform provided by the European Commission. The dispute will be sent to ARN. You can find the ODR platform here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ , (search: FIN-NET).
Applicable law and jurisdiction
To the extent required by applicable law, our contractual relationship derived from this payment method will be governed by Spanish law. Any dispute arising from or related to this payment method will be subject to the courts of your domicile.
All our communications with you, as well as the documentation derived from our commercial relationship, will be made in Spanish or English.
Klarna Bank AB (publ) is incorporated under Swedish law and is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office under number 556737-0431. Klarna Bank AB (publ) is authorized to provide financial services by the Swedish financial supervisory authority, Finansinspektionen, and is registered with the Bank of Spain to carry out its services in Spain under number 673. For more information about Klarna, go to: https://www.klarna.com/en/
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Klarna Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Estocolmo, org no: 556737-0431